playSMS version has been released

This version released with a new default themes. Get it and test it 🙂


  • add new webservices type of action IX to get SMS on user\’s inbox
  • add logger_print() at the begining and the end of webservices
  • add DBHOST and DBPORT on install script
  • add common place to put common js files, themes/common/jscss
  • add sendsms_host option in kannel gateway module (lucastx)
  • add option to load/parse .html and .md files on page_welcome
  • add hints with tooltip
  • add new option CSS URL to decorate sms_board
  • add new gateway Twilio
  • add new language de_DE Deutsch (andre)
  • add lib/version.php contains version number
  • add automatically set Unicode if non-latin chars typed and vice versa (dvoryanchikov)
  • update kannel gateway related to account and dcs (dvoryanchikov)
  • update log level to 3 for clickatell getsmsstatus
  • update lang, more new translations on pt_BR (gschanuel)
  • upgrade themes default, re-design
  • upgrade all plugins to match new themes stuffs
  • upgrade action icons, use common icons for all themes but can be overriden
  • remove unused js and css files on themes default
  • remove dTree js and css files
  • remove themes \’work2\’
  • remove themes \’km2\’
  • remove column \’status\’ on inbox, incoming and outgoing tables
  • fix #90 webservices list all incoming SMS on ta=in regardless of uid
  • fix #89 forward sms_subscribe should check sms_sender (ibsoman)
  • fix #88 addslashes on sms_subscribe message (ibsoman)
  • fix #87 correcting mistake and addslashes before sms_autoreply reply (ibsoman)
  • fix search categories in user_mgmnt
  • fix plugin loader, wrongly use counter variable
