Now Licensed Under GPLv3

I want to let everyone knows that now playSMS is licensed under version 3 of GNU General Public License.

Particularly after this commit: 35a3cc8f.

My intention has never changed. I want to make sure that the contribution back to the community. Every modification should be available to public so that original contributors and others may gain something positive from it.

I believe this is the right way to do. playSMS should be useful to anyone using it, and I do hope when you modify it you also thought of many contribution made by others to the software which make the software useful to you, thus contribute back.

For your information, IANAL. Please consult with them who understand licensing, especially open source licenses.

Anyway, this is actually not a big deal for some. But if you think it is, let me know, give some comments here. Would love to get some insight about licensing and stuffs around it.

Detail information about the license can be found in A brief information about the license can also be found here

Thanks for using playSMS.

Anton Raharja, founder.

Why Texts Are Not Translated

There are in total 8 language translations available in current playSMS.

They are:

  • Catalan (Spain) ca_CA
  • Deutsch (Deutschland) de_DE
  • English (United States) en_US
  • Spanish (Venezuela) es_VE
  • French (France) fr_FR
  • Indonesian (Indonesia) id_ID
  • Portuguese (Brazil) pt_BR
  • Russian (Russia) ru_RU
  • Chinese (China) zh_CN

When user or admin activate one of them, sometime they saw changes on displayed text, but on some language no changes made. I\’ve seen questions like this asked by playSMS users.

Continue reading “Why Texts Are Not Translated”

[SECURITY] playSMS 1.0-beta1

This version fix the CSRF exploit reported here:

Along with the fix there are also several bug fixes and enhancements.

Download playSMS version 1.0-beta1 here:

Here are the complete change log for 1.0-beta1:

  • MAJOR: add core_call_hook(), utilizing debug_backtrace() to replace the way functions call hooking plugin\’s functions
  • MAJOR: user_incoming and all_incoming now only shows SMS with matched keyword, or handled SMS
  • MAJOR: fix #155 SECURITY HOLE, CSRF exploit
  • remove default timezone and language from database, tblUser
  • add an option to allow/disallow regular user access to sms_command
  • add dlr-storage=internal and mo-recode=true, and a few other changes in contrib/kannel/kannel.conf
  • add ta=SX webservices handler for retrieving sandbox messages
  • add DB DSN options
  • add new language Russian ru_RU (dvoryanchikov)
  • update catalan language ca_ES (aseques)
  • update inluded php-db to version 1.7.14
  • update to try to limit browser zoom, viewer should not be able to zoom/scale
  • use sendsms() and remove sendsms_bc() while sending SMS, the goal was to remove duplicated entries when user send to group and numbers that actually already included in group
  • fix #100 1 contact in multiple group, also major changes on the backend
  • fix #119 missing phonebook edit
  • fix #127 queuelog entries should be removable
  • fix #128 add webservices method ta=set_token to update webservices token
  • fix #129 remove smsc=default, kannel gateway, users might miss this when debugging
  • fix #137 add new admin menu, sandbox, since now all incoming sms and user incoming sms only shown handled SMS
  • fix #146 security fix: prevent use of special characters such as ; or / (dvoryanchikov)
  • fix #147 fixes in localization (dvoryanchikov)
  • fix #148 fix duplication of search results at send_sms page (dvoryanchikov)
  • fix #151 email field length in user_pref too short, and possibly in other places as well

Discuss this here.

Fix Timezone Problem

Messages are not delivered, they are queued. Admin saw all messages in View SMS queue.

Usually, before, this is the case of daemon scripts issue, they are not running or running improperly such as wrong path configured in /etc/default/playsms.

But since I introduced SMS scheduler, a way to schedule delivery of submitted SMS through Send SMS page or webservices, one more issue unfortunately has emerged. It\’s the timezone settings, PHP simply cannot determine exact timezone used in the script. The result is every SMS submitted NOW will end up being scheduled for next hour depend on the timezone that actually guessed by PHP.

A discussion in the group shows an example of user experiencing this issue.

So, if you experienced an issue like the first paragraph in this article, and you already make sure that all daemon scripts are running and well configured, then its time to check the timezone settings.

Continue reading “Fix Timezone Problem”

Modify Welcome Page

In it is relatively easy to modify playSMS look and feel. A template engine has been added and now using Twitter Bootstrap 3.


Welcome Page on

Above screenshot is a welcome page displayed after successful login. Most users probably want to change that page.

These are methods available to change that page:

  1. Edit common file plugin/themes/common/templates/page_welcome.html
  2. Add themes specific template file to override common file. For example if your active themes is flatly, then you can add your own page_welcome.html in plugin/themes/flatly/templates/
  3. Add another themes specific file. For example if your active themes is flatly, theme you can add page_welcome.php in plugin/themes/flatly/

Select the simplest. For me its method 3.

Continue reading “Modify Welcome Page”

playSMS version has been released

The latest version, after a long list of betas finally released as

Many changes and bug fixes in this release. Those changes are mostly major due to some fundamental features added, features useful for developers, such as a template engine and integrating Bootstrap 3 for making playSMS easier to customize or enhance.

So, what are new stuffs and other changes included in

Continue reading “playSMS version has been released”