playSMS 1.4.7 Released

playSMS version 1.4.7 has been released. This release contains several major changes for performance updates and some security related updates.

What’s Changed

  • Reduce or change some steps for faster database access during sending SMS and updating DLRs
  • Simplify db query for faster page load on Reports
  • Better search form on Reports
  • Provides SQL file for applying db table indexes
  • Remove dependency to PEAR/DB, now use PDO for db operations
  • Compatibility with PHP 8
  • Fix some bugs and security related

Full Changelog:…1.4.7



Please note that upgrade may not be simple as this version has updates on composer and database structure. Detail instruction for upgrading existing previous version of playSMS will be available soon.

playSMS 1.3.1 is available

The latest playSMS version 1.3.1 has been released, its available on the Download page.

Changes made since previous version are as follow:

  • MAJOR: Fix missing field chunk on queue which caused fresh playSMS 1.3 unable to send SMS
  • Fix typo dlr_mask on Kannel gateway plugin
  • Fix gateway plugin Generic to accept non-zero respond as p_status=1 (sent)
  • Fix #490 missing 1st word on Inbox group catchall
  • Fix #491 wrong unicode detection when sending SMS from sendfromfile

Like always installation and upgrade instruction will be available in playSMS Book Project.

Upgrade to playSMS v1.3

Recently I announced playSMS 1.2 and 1.2.1 contained a bug that was considered a MAJOR bug. And now the bug has been fixed. I have tested that on my server and it looked alright. I hope anyone using playSMS is as enthusiast as me and be willing to test the fix. Tell you the truth I tested on my own server and haven\’t heard from anyone if the fix is also working properly on theirs. But I\’m pretty sure it will, that is why I release the latest version, playSMS version 1.3.

Get it from the download page. Installation and upgrade as usual available from playSMS Book Project.


playSMS v1.2.1 released

Good day everyone. I\’ve released the latest version of playSMS, version 1.2.1 a few days ago. This release has some important addition to the earlier release 1.2. I suggest for everyone who already using 1.2 to get this one and upgrade. I know, why so short the distance between version, the answer is because I forgot to update the version number in database ˆˆ, its important.

I also included some more changes and bugfixes in 1.2.1. Upgrading playSMS is easy and documented in playSMS Book, please upgrade 🙂 Thanks.


The last RC version for 1.0 has been released, 1.0-rc9

This version is marked as the last Release Candidates version for 1.0.

Let\’s move on ^^

From now on I will be updating documents, preparing upgrade manuals and do some small small little things for a 1.0 release. If there are still any bugs found, we will fix them in 1.0, unless of course its a nasty one and need immediate action.

Continue reading “The last RC version for 1.0 has been released, 1.0-rc9”

playSMS version 1.0-rc8 is available

playSMS version 1.0-rc8 has been released. You can get it from our download page.

These are changes made into playSMS since last release up until 1.0-rc8:

  • add js window dialog supports provided by
  • action message (error_string) now in a window dialog
  • colorful window dialog depends on message type: info, danger, warning
  • add new plugin stoplist accessible by admin accounts, mobile numbers added to stoplist will be ignored when sending SMS to it or receiving SMS from it
  • fix #407 webservices query operation mobile number in place of email
  • fix #404 window dialog alerts when fail to send SMS due to insufficient fund
  • fix #401 send alerts (message to admins Inboxes) for new sender ID approval
  • fix #400 nexmo unicode messages delivery
  • fix #395 displayed gateway instead of SMSC on all sent messages report
  • fix #385 unable to send message through Clickatell when password containing & (&) chars
  • fix #394 cleanup firewall plugin
  • fix #393 remember last posted data, useful for re-entries due to missing/wrong submitted values
  • fix phonebook anyone with empty mobile may access shared phonebook
  • fix credit lowest limit notification
  • now when you type @username in compose message playSMS will only display usernames whose their mobile numbers already added in phonebook (previously anyone can type @username and got all usernames from auto complete input box)
  • added to site manager default credit upon registration, default language, enable logo
  • supports multiple themes layout on each themes (currently used for popup windows)
  • add _sendsms() for popup windows displaying compose message page without header and footer
  • update pChart lib version to 2.1.4 (, btw looking at the license, this lib might be replaced on next release
  • PHP PEAR and PHP DB now loaded by composer, so no need to install it for playSMS

Discus it here.
