MAJOR Bug on playSMS 1.2 and above

I would like to announce that I stumbled upon something that I considered a MAJOR bug, during a project using playSMS 1.2.1. The bug was causing most of the SMS sent more than once, I saw twice but it could be more.

I think I know why. I suspect the way playSMS daemon send the SMS to gateways were coded wrongly.

A fix is on the way. I suggest NOT to use playSMS 1.2 and above until next release, 1.3 is available.

Sorry for the trouble. Discuss here.

playSMS v1.2.1 released

Good day everyone. I\’ve released the latest version of playSMS, version 1.2.1 a few days ago. This release has some important addition to the earlier release 1.2. I suggest for everyone who already using 1.2 to get this one and upgrade. I know, why so short the distance between version, the answer is because I forgot to update the version number in database ˆˆ, its important.

I also included some more changes and bugfixes in 1.2.1. Upgrading playSMS is easy and documented in playSMS Book, please upgrade 🙂 Thanks.
