I would like to introduce the new plugin I made for playSMS, SMS Autorespond. This plugin will scan each incoming SMS for a match with configured regular expression and reply them automatically based on its setup.
If you know SMS Autoreply, one of the early plugin in playSMS, the main difference with it is the incoming SMS scanned based on patterns, not keyword.
In SMS Autoreply, incoming SMS such as Hello friend and hellofriendly neighboor (notice theres no space after hello) cannot be treated as the same since SMS Autoreply will only look for keyword, in this case HELLO.
In SMS Autorespond, a pattern like /hello/i will match with incoming SMS containing sentences such as: Hello friend, HELLOFRIEND, HHELLO, \”HELLo friend\”, and also with Hello there or I said hello!.
The plugin is not available in playSMS package, you need to add it manually. Please visit the URL below for more information, install instructions and usage:
Hi, can you upload CSV files with keywords?
Can you also reply specifically using number recognition?