playSMS version has been released

I know its too fast since last release, but we have to 🙂

The release contains major changes due to bug found soon after 0.9.5 released and observations to life demo at Quick installation on Windows 7 with latest playSMS and Gammu gateway module which finally shown a promising chances to get playSMS work properly in Windows, was also a contributing factor to the release.

These are playSMS highlights:

  • fix message empty when handled by gnokii or smstools due to single quote in $lc (thx to kendokar)
  • PHP PEAR DB re-included in the package, too complicated for most users to install it manually
  • gateway uplink will work only with master installed with playSMS >=
  • new interesting functions that can be hooked from plugin/tools/*, interceptincomingsms() and interceptsmstoinbox()
  • references to menu.php, input.php, output.php and all direct access to file under playSMS are switched to index.php?app=xxxxx
  • new gateway module gammu to support Gammu, another popular open source SMS gateway

Changelog up to version

  • MAJOR: gateway uplink will work only with master installed with playSMS >= (anton)
  • MAJOR: fix message empty when handled by gnokii or smstools due to single quote in $lc (kendokar)
  • MAJOR: PHP PEAR DB re-included in the package, too complicated to install it manually (anton)
  • add new gateway module gammu, tested using backend FILES with Gammu version 1.28.0 (anton)
  • add interceptincomingsms() lib/fn_core.php, in setsmsincomingaction(), hookable for tools (anton)
  • add interceptsmstoinbox() lib/fn_core.php, in insertsmstoinbox(), hookable for tools (anton)
  • add css class .error_string and .required, themes common.css (anton)
  • add index.php?app=call to run hookable function \’call\’, this will replace all direct access (anton)
  • change websend2pv() to sendsms_pv() and websend2group() to sendsms_bc(), lib/fn_sendsms.php (anton)
  • change length of main table in themes default and work2 to 960 instead of 100% (anton)
  • remove input.php and output.php and replace them with webservices, docs/WEBSERVICES (anton)
  • remove send2group() and replace it with sendsms_bc(), lib/fn_sendsms.php (anton)
  • fix autoreply, sendsms_pv() returns array (anton)
  • fix simplerate_hook_cansend should print $username to logger_print instead $uid (anton)
  • fix phonebook should be able to match numbers with entries from shared groups (anton)
  • fix phonebook number matching got better (anton)
  • fix short_open_tag issue, now all short tags including <?= replaced with <?php (anton)
  • fix length of p_footer in db table tblSMSOutgoing should be 30, not 11 (anton)
  • fix condition when PHP gettext not available or disabled, declare _() in init.php (anton)
  • fix display unsafe text with htmlspecialchars in inbox, incoming and outgoing (anton)
  • fix long words in displayed SMS message on the web by splitting them 25 chars per word max (anton)

Get the release from download page.

Thank you for using playSMS, and thank you guys for keep contributing to the project.

2 thoughts on “playSMS version has been released

  1. playsms jalan di MS Windows? waw ini benar2 terobosan dan saya yakin akan menjadi populer. sama populernya seperti php yg dulu hanya bisa di linux kini bisa di windows.

    btw gammu jalan sebagai service mysql atau file text ?

    1. masih file text, sebagai contoh aja dulu, ditunggu kontribusinya untuk backend yang lain 🙂

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