playSMS version has been released

2 Days ago we have just released playSMS version 0.9.7 (lots of changes since 0.9.6, you should read). But since I found something serious, I thought it won\’t matter if I just release another one. Next time I will provide a patch instead of releasing whole new version when changes are not much, even when they\’re important.

Security bug has been fixed in this release. The bug allows a non-admin user to upload a CSV file with username field filled with other user\’s username and playSMS allows the process to continue.

This release is a security release. It is highly recommended for users to download and use this version immediately.

Download playSMS version now.

7 thoughts on “playSMS version has been released

  1. Bisakah diberikan tutorial untuk menjalankan playsms pada windows dengan menggunakan gammu.

    1. Halo,

      Belum selesai, tapi saya sudah tambahkan beberapa file penting ke dalam repo playSMS di Github agar playsms bisa bekerja dengan gammu di Windows. Saya sendiri sudah mencobanya, cukup mudah.

      Jadi tunggu saja paling telat di 0.9.8 (November 2012).


  2. Is it possible to install playSMS on windows, and if so is there any documentation that outlines this please? Thanks by the way, from what i’ve read the package looks fantastic

    1. Hi,

      We will have working playSMS in Windows by November this year the latest, this weekend the fastest.


      1. Thanks for the reply, in the meantime I am using this tutorial to install locally – can I just clear one thing up, in our office we have a GSM gateway which houses 30 mobile sim cards, can playSMS be configured to use this as the sms gateway instead of Kannal, or is Kannal a dependency of PlaySMS? Thanks

        1. I’m trying to use gammu instead, its simpler than using Kannel, in Windows that is.

          playSMS is a simple web frontend for several real sms gateway such as Kannel and Gammu. So it depends on how Kannel/Gammu being configured.

          You can use your GSM gateway if the gateway provides HTTP API (or any API) that supported by playSMS. Or, if Kannel/Gammu/SMStools3 can be configured for your gateway.

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