playSMS version 0.9.5 has been released

After months of occasional-not-so-serious-but-keep-on-doing-it coding, finally its released to public 🙂 Big thanks for all users who gave us feedbacks and ideas, and surely contributors, you guys made this FOSS even better.

playSMS 0.9.5 contains major changes. Upgrade only available from playSMS 0.9.4.

Grab it from download page and enjoy !


  • add multi-language support per plugin bases (anton)
  • add support unicode in uplink (anton)
  • add unicode message option in websend2group (anton)
  • add unicode parameter in input.php (anton)
  • add cfg_additional_param (varchar 250) in clickatell, kannel and uplink db config (anton)
  • add check on php function mb_convert_encoding(), must be supported for unicode messages (anton)
  • add additional URL parameter for clickatell, kannel and uplink (anton)
  • add uplink to hook playsmsd(), it is possible master reports \’delivered\’, not just \’sent\’ (anton)
  • add hook on sendmail, rate, phonebook (anton)
  • add new core function billing and can be hooked (anton)
  • add new tools, plainoldsendmail, to handle sendmail() (anton)
  • add new tools, simplebilling, to handle billing related features (anton)
  • add new tools, simplerate, to handle rate related features (anton)
  • add new tools, simplephonebook, to handle phonebook related features (anton)
  • add share/publish and unpublish group on simplephonebook (anton)
  • add new language and translate it for core and plugins, fr_FR (emmanuel)
  • add new language and translate it for core and plugins, id_ID (anton)
  • add logger_print level 3 on all gateways, log send/receive sms activities (anton)
  • add option to add additional URL parameter in gateway module clickatell, kannel and uplink (anton)
  • add new theme \’km2\’ (emmanuel)
  • add new theme \’work2\’ to demonstrate dropdown menu (anton)
  • add show js for how many SMS and characters has been composed (adetunjiha)
  • add logger_set_error_string() and logger_get_error_string() to handle long error_string (anton)
  • add multi-language support using gettext (emmanuel)
  • add SMS rate by prefix (anton)
  • add SMS credit per user (anton)
  • add playsms_web option in kannel gateway administration (emmanuel)
  • add themes selection from web in main configuration (emmanuel)
  • add gateway module selection from web in main configuration (anton)
  • add limit 100 on getting delivery status via input.php (thapa)
  • fix unicode support in clickatell (anton)
  • fix regression unable to send SMS, credit field should be defaulted to 0 (emmanuel)
  • fix non-working unicode option in gateway module kannel (anton)
  • fix single quote preventing correct array reading, $array[\’$c\’] should be $array[$c] (anton)
  • fix logger, available logstate: 0=disabled, 1=info, 2=warning, 3=debug (anton)
  • fix wrong path when using domain only to access playsms directory (anton)
  • fix send message to destination with space, allow only a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and + char (anton)
  • fix sender number is always PlaySMS, its coming from gateway template (anton)
  • fix security in input.php, one can get data without proper auth (thapa)
  • fix on all php files, close unterminated variables with single-quote (anton)
  • fix on all php files, replace <? with <?php, except <?= (anton)
  • fix wrong dlr_url when Kannel and playSMS is not on the same location (emmanuel)
  • fix unable to save preferences from admin menu, manage user (anton)
  • fix allow r and n in SMS text, (anton)
  • fix kannel gateway, bearerbox to accept hostname, not only IP (srosa)
  • fix kannel gateway, missing bearerbox host and sendsms port, plugin/gateway/kannel/fn.php (anton)
  • fix dlr-url misformed, plugin/gateway/kannel/fn.php (anton)
  • fix RFI LFI bug, (anton)
  • update file INSTALL, use PHP 5.x.x, enable multibyte string and short_open_tag (anton)
  • update HTML password field, should use type=password instead of type=text (anton)
  • update contrib/kannel/kannel.conf, an example of working kannel configuration (anton)
  • update broadcast SMS, minimize on web form after send to group (emmanuel)
  • change *_execgwcustomcmd() to *_playsmsd() (anton)
  • change label \”success\” to \”handled\” and \”fail\” to \”unhandled\”, status on incoming SMS (anton)
  • change default gateway module to smstools (anton)
  • change db table names for phonebook related functions to toolsSimplephonebook* (anton)
  • change rawurlencode in uplink and clickatell by urlencode (anton)
  • change sender number priority, now: global sender->gateway number->mobile number (anton)
  • change back kannel gateway, use fsockopen due to improper HTTP response from kannel (srosa)
  • remove js PopupReplySMS() and phone_add option from inbox and incoming pages (anton)
  • remove manually inserted plugins name in config.php, now load automatically (anton)

9 thoughts on “playSMS version 0.9.5 has been released

  1. Bonjour,
    juste dire félicitation à chacun d’entre vous pour ce travail et bonne continuation.


  2. Hello,
    just say congratulations to all of you for this job and good luck.

  3. Hi

    I tested the latest version playsms but I find myself
    with a blank page with no image and the party menu is invisible.
    I can not change the configuration

    can you help me?
    thank you

    1. Hi,

      It is a common error, you should:
      1. edit config.php and comment the error_reporting(0) and replace it with the next line
      2. install php-pear and pear-db (how to install it is up to your Linux distribution)

  4. thank you for the answer
    but it does not work
    I do not see the side menu on the left (as the demo) and
    links to other tabs do not work.
    in the http log I have this error:
    [Error] [client:: 1] File does not exist: / var / www / html / playsms / <, referer: http://localhost/playsms/

    I installed php-pear and php-pear-DB

    What should I replace in config.php?
    i commented the error_reporting(0)

  5. thank you for your link

    i find my error

    short_open_tag = on
    in file /etc/php.ini

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