Upcoming release, a bug fix release, version


Just wanna let you know that this is the location of code snapshots:

Upcoming release highlights:

  • add Gammu supports
  • bug found recently in 0.9.5 making the version unable to receive message properly
  • references to menu.php, input.php and output.php replaced with index.php?app=…
  • new hook-able function interceptincomingsms() available for plugin tools

Changelogs since version 0.9.5:

  • add new gateway module gammu, tested with backend FILES, gammu version 1.28.0 (anton)
  • add interceptincomingsms() lib/fn_core.php, its hookable from plugin tools (anton)
  • add css class .error_string and .required, themes common.css (anton)
  • change websend2pv() to sendsms_pv() and websend2group() to sendsms_bc(), lib/fn_sendsms.php (anton)
  • remove input.php and output.php and replace them with webservices, web/docs/WEBSERVICES (anton)
  • remove send2group() and replace it with sendsms_bc(), lib/fn_sendsms.php (anton)
  • fix autoreply, sendsms_pv() returns array (anton)
  • fix simplerate_hook_cansend should print $username to logger_print instead $uid (anton)
  • fix message empty when handled by gnokii and smstools due to single quote in $lc (kendokar)
  • fix phonebook should be able to match numbers with entries from shared groups (anton)
  • fix phonebook number matching got better (anton)

I will release this snapshot as official release as version tonight.

More eyes on bugs are certainly appreciated.