playSMS in Windows

I got a good news to share with you guys: playSMS works in Windows !

My test environment was:

  • Laptop
  • Windows 7 Home Edition
  • Cygwin 1.7.7
  • Kannel 1.4.3
  • playSMS
  • WampServer 2.0i
  • GSM modem Q2406B, USB (now its freakin cheap! USD 25-35 in Jakarta)

I\’m happy, it really works 🙂 All playSMS feature seems to be running properly, including the push update of delivery status (from Sent to Delivered).

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playSMS version has been released

I know its too fast since last release, but we have to 🙂

The release contains major changes due to bug found soon after 0.9.5 released and observations to life demo at Quick installation on Windows 7 with latest playSMS and Gammu gateway module which finally shown a promising chances to get playSMS work properly in Windows, was also a contributing factor to the release.

These are playSMS highlights:

  • fix message empty when handled by gnokii or smstools due to single quote in $lc (thx to kendokar)
  • PHP PEAR DB re-included in the package, too complicated for most users to install it manually
  • gateway uplink will work only with master installed with playSMS >=
  • new interesting functions that can be hooked from plugin/tools/*, interceptincomingsms() and interceptsmstoinbox()
  • references to menu.php, input.php, output.php and all direct access to file under playSMS are switched to index.php?app=xxxxx
  • new gateway module gammu to support Gammu, another popular open source SMS gateway

Continue reading “playSMS version has been released”

Upcoming release, a bug fix release, version


Just wanna let you know that this is the location of code snapshots:

Upcoming release highlights:

  • add Gammu supports
  • bug found recently in 0.9.5 making the version unable to receive message properly
  • references to menu.php, input.php and output.php replaced with index.php?app=…
  • new hook-able function interceptincomingsms() available for plugin tools

Continue reading “Upcoming release, a bug fix release, version”

playSMS version 0.9.5 has been released

After months of occasional-not-so-serious-but-keep-on-doing-it coding, finally its released to public 🙂 Big thanks for all users who gave us feedbacks and ideas, and surely contributors, you guys made this FOSS even better.

playSMS 0.9.5 contains major changes. Upgrade only available from playSMS 0.9.4.

Grab it from download page and enjoy !

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