Now Licensed Under GPLv3

I want to let everyone knows that now playSMS is licensed under version 3 of GNU General Public License.

Particularly after this commit: 35a3cc8f.

My intention has never changed. I want to make sure that the contribution back to the community. Every modification should be available to public so that original contributors and others may gain something positive from it.

I believe this is the right way to do. playSMS should be useful to anyone using it, and I do hope when you modify it you also thought of many contribution made by others to the software which make the software useful to you, thus contribute back.

For your information, IANAL. Please consult with them who understand licensing, especially open source licenses.

Anyway, this is actually not a big deal for some. But if you think it is, let me know, give some comments here. Would love to get some insight about licensing and stuffs around it.

Detail information about the license can be found in A brief information about the license can also be found here

Thanks for using playSMS.

Anton Raharja, founder.