Install playSMS 1.4.3 on CentOS 7

playSMS version 1.4.3 was released recently and currently it is the recommended playSMS version available. The release fixed critical security vulnerability and contains other bugfixes and improvements. This article shows you step by step howto install playSMS version 1.4.3 on CentOS 7.

I\’m using DigitalOcean (DO) service to test the configuration and commands. Create new Droplet in DO account. Click here to register on DO if you don\’t have an account.

Choose CentOS 7 (currently 7.6) and select at least the cheapest service (USD 5). Create and wait for a minute or two for the SSH to be ready. You can then login via SSH and start playSMS installation.

Login to your CentOS droplet (later we will call droplet as server) using SSH and follow instructions below step by step. Read carefully why you need to do each step correctly. Please pay attention to details.

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