Webservices API for admin tasks

Webservices API got extended for admin tasks, thanks to sponsors. Click here for sponsorship information.

Recently added several new operations to do administrative tasks for playSMS through its webservices API. Added operations are for admin level account only. You will need to use admin\’s credentials to authenticate an operation.

Changes highlights:

  • webservices API for admin to inject message into the system (as if its an incoming SMS)
  • webservices API for admin to add an account
  • webservices API for admin to remove an account
  • webservices API for admin to set parent for subuser
  • webservices API for admin to get parent for subuser
  • webservices API for admin to ban an account
  • webservices API for admin to unban an account
  • webservices API for admin to update an account preferences, includes changing password
  • webservices API for admin to update an account configuration, includes changing sender ID (valid sender ID only)
  • webservices API for admin to view an account credit
  • webservices API for admin to add an account credit
  • webservices API for admin to credit an account credit

Updated documentation about this can be viewed here:

Please visit below link to discuss more about this:
