playSMS 1.4.7 Released

playSMS version 1.4.7 has been released. This release contains several major changes for performance updates and some security related updates.

What’s Changed

  • Reduce or change some steps for faster database access during sending SMS and updating DLRs
  • Simplify db query for faster page load on Reports
  • Better search form on Reports
  • Provides SQL file for applying db table indexes
  • Remove dependency to PEAR/DB, now use PDO for db operations
  • Compatibility with PHP 8
  • Fix some bugs and security related

Full Changelog:…1.4.7



Please note that upgrade may not be simple as this version has updates on composer and database structure. Detail instruction for upgrading existing previous version of playSMS will be available soon.

playSMS 1.4.6

playSMS version 1.4.6 has been released. This release contains several small fixes and 1 security fix. If you are using playSMS 1.4.5 please update it to this version.

This version only have several file changes so you can just replace all files with this release, no database changes. Follow instruction similar to this howto to upgrade your previous version to 1.4.6.

Get playSMS 1.4.6 from here.

Read complete full changelog compare to 1.4.5 from here.

Visit playSMS forum for more information and discussion.

playSMS 1.4.2 Released

playSMS version 1.4.2 has been released and is available for download. Version 1.4.1 is skipped due to MySQL 5.7++ and PHP 7.2 compatibility. playSMS version 1.4.2 is not planned but has to be released, the major reason was security patches is required for known playSMS 1.4 vulnerabilities. It has also some fixes related MySQL server\’s update and PHP 7, and some other bugfixes. If you installed previous version it is recommended to immediately update to this version.

Change logs can be read in this closed issues list and this commits list.

Get playSMS version 1.4.2 from playSMS download page.


Docker for playSMS 1.4

Short announcement. Recently I\’ve updated the image antonraharja/playsms on Docker registry with playSMS 1.4. It means when you follow the previous Docker playSMS tutorial I wrote now you\’ll get playSMS 1.4 installed.

Here is the full step by step tutorial:

Just to remind you how I create the playSMS Docker image, here is the project website:


Youtube videos for playSMS 1.3.1 with Gammu on Ubuntu 15.04

You might find these videos helpful if you\’re new to playSMS and would like to get started a bit faster. I see that the tutorial is using the latest playSMS version at the moment and that is good.

Here you are:

Thanks to the uploader. Please visit this blog for some more explanation (some additional screenshots).


MAJOR Bug on playSMS 1.2 and above

I would like to announce that I stumbled upon something that I considered a MAJOR bug, during a project using playSMS 1.2.1. The bug was causing most of the SMS sent more than once, I saw twice but it could be more.

I think I know why. I suspect the way playSMS daemon send the SMS to gateways were coded wrongly.

A fix is on the way. I suggest NOT to use playSMS 1.2 and above until next release, 1.3 is available.

Sorry for the trouble. Discuss here.

New Project docker-playsms

It\’s been an interesting week, adding a new project related to playSMS, called: docker-playsms.

Read the intro here:

And read this article as an example implementation of the project:

Discuss Docker for playSMS here:


Introducing playSMS Forum

It\’s been a while since we use Google Groups as playSMS User Group forum. It\’s working, it has help a lot and doing its job.

But, I think we need something better. That is why I installed Discourse to be used as our new playSMS Forum.

Is it really better than Google Groups ? I have no idea. Seemingly, looking at the feature sets provided by Discourse, I believe it should be better. Time will tell ? Maybe.

Anyway, let\’s give it a shot. IMHO forum software doesn\’t matter much if the content doesn\’t help us advancing our self. We can change back, change again with other software, if this one doesn\’t work.

So please visit the forum, post your questions, answers, issues and ideas there. Fill the forum with information related to playSMS.

See ya.
