SMS Autorespond version 2

New version is available. You can download it from the release page hosted on Github.

Version 2 is an important release, it solved an issue with incoming SMS that is handled by this plugin can\’t be found anywhere in the report. Those SMS are recorded in database but they\’re not displayed in the report, specifically in All feature messages or My feature messages menu.

The plugin name, the plugin\’s folder name, also changed from sms_autorespond to just autorespond. This is due to limitation in the current playSMS that calls plugins sorted by their folder name. For SMS autorespond we want this plugin to handle SMS before plugin incoming.

Visit technical detail about the plugin from its Github website. Installation or upgrade instruction also available on the website.


Youtube videos for playSMS 1.3.1 with Gammu on Ubuntu 15.04

You might find these videos helpful if you\’re new to playSMS and would like to get started a bit faster. I see that the tutorial is using the latest playSMS version at the moment and that is good.

Here you are:

Thanks to the uploader. Please visit this blog for some more explanation (some additional screenshots).


playSMS 1.3.1 is available

The latest playSMS version 1.3.1 has been released, its available on the Download page.

Changes made since previous version are as follow:

  • MAJOR: Fix missing field chunk on queue which caused fresh playSMS 1.3 unable to send SMS
  • Fix typo dlr_mask on Kannel gateway plugin
  • Fix gateway plugin Generic to accept non-zero respond as p_status=1 (sent)
  • Fix #490 missing 1st word on Inbox group catchall
  • Fix #491 wrong unicode detection when sending SMS from sendfromfile

Like always installation and upgrade instruction will be available in playSMS Book Project.

Upgrade to playSMS v1.3

Recently I announced playSMS 1.2 and 1.2.1 contained a bug that was considered a MAJOR bug. And now the bug has been fixed. I have tested that on my server and it looked alright. I hope anyone using playSMS is as enthusiast as me and be willing to test the fix. Tell you the truth I tested on my own server and haven\’t heard from anyone if the fix is also working properly on theirs. But I\’m pretty sure it will, that is why I release the latest version, playSMS version 1.3.

Get it from the download page. Installation and upgrade as usual available from playSMS Book Project.


playSMS v1.2.1 released

Good day everyone. I\’ve released the latest version of playSMS, version 1.2.1 a few days ago. This release has some important addition to the earlier release 1.2. I suggest for everyone who already using 1.2 to get this one and upgrade. I know, why so short the distance between version, the answer is because I forgot to update the version number in database ˆˆ, its important.

I also included some more changes and bugfixes in 1.2.1. Upgrading playSMS is easy and documented in playSMS Book, please upgrade 🙂 Thanks.
