playSMS 1.4.6

playSMS version 1.4.6 has been released. This release contains several small fixes and 1 security fix. If you are using playSMS 1.4.5 please update it to this version.

This version only have several file changes so you can just replace all files with this release, no database changes. Follow instruction similar to this howto to upgrade your previous version to 1.4.6.

Get playSMS 1.4.6 from here.

Read complete full changelog compare to 1.4.5 from here.

Visit playSMS forum for more information and discussion.

Introducing playSMS Forum

It\’s been a while since we use Google Groups as playSMS User Group forum. It\’s working, it has help a lot and doing its job.

But, I think we need something better. That is why I installed Discourse to be used as our new playSMS Forum.

Is it really better than Google Groups ? I have no idea. Seemingly, looking at the feature sets provided by Discourse, I believe it should be better. Time will tell ? Maybe.

Anyway, let\’s give it a shot. IMHO forum software doesn\’t matter much if the content doesn\’t help us advancing our self. We can change back, change again with other software, if this one doesn\’t work.

So please visit the forum, post your questions, answers, issues and ideas there. Fill the forum with information related to playSMS.

See ya.



playSMS version 1.0-rc6 is now available

I know its too fast, rc5 just released a few days ago 🙂 But, this is an important release, so please update your recently updated playSMS installation.

Highlight in 1.0-rc6:

  • fix #363 if rate == credit balance then no charging and SMS sent
  • fix issue with enable credit unicode SMS as normal SMS
  • fix sendsms_throttle_isoverlimit() logic which previously prevented playSMS to send SMS
  • fix #NAME# template not changed or incorrectly resolved on message sent by SMS schedule plugin
  • add new language danish da_DK translation
  • add keyword separator option to replace the default space

Get it, see it demo live, discuss it in.. you know the drill ^^


Webservices API for admin tasks

Webservices API got extended for admin tasks, thanks to sponsors. Click here for sponsorship information.

Recently added several new operations to do administrative tasks for playSMS through its webservices API. Added operations are for admin level account only. You will need to use admin\’s credentials to authenticate an operation.

Changes highlights:

  • webservices API for admin to inject message into the system (as if its an incoming SMS)
  • webservices API for admin to add an account
  • webservices API for admin to remove an account
  • webservices API for admin to set parent for subuser
  • webservices API for admin to get parent for subuser
  • webservices API for admin to ban an account
  • webservices API for admin to unban an account
  • webservices API for admin to update an account preferences, includes changing password
  • webservices API for admin to update an account configuration, includes changing sender ID (valid sender ID only)
  • webservices API for admin to view an account credit
  • webservices API for admin to add an account credit
  • webservices API for admin to credit an account credit

Updated documentation about this can be viewed here:

Please visit below link to discuss more about this:!topic/playsmsusergroup/ZZEaANBujrw


Now Licensed Under GPLv3

I want to let everyone knows that now playSMS is licensed under version 3 of GNU General Public License.

Particularly after this commit: 35a3cc8f.

My intention has never changed. I want to make sure that the contribution back to the community. Every modification should be available to public so that original contributors and others may gain something positive from it.

I believe this is the right way to do. playSMS should be useful to anyone using it, and I do hope when you modify it you also thought of many contribution made by others to the software which make the software useful to you, thus contribute back.

For your information, IANAL. Please consult with them who understand licensing, especially open source licenses.

Anyway, this is actually not a big deal for some. But if you think it is, let me know, give some comments here. Would love to get some insight about licensing and stuffs around it.

Detail information about the license can be found in A brief information about the license can also be found here

Thanks for using playSMS.

Anton Raharja, founder.

playSMS version 0.9.8 has been released

Just released. It has lots of bug fixes and several interesting enhancements, including some major changes.

Some of the highlights:

  • Using PHP session 🙂
  • Installer script for Ubuntu users
  • Web Services to respond in JSON and XML format
  • Web Services to authenticate using a token instead of username and password, with IP limit
  • Search boxes
  • Export SMSes, save it to a CSV file
  • Reply from receiver straight to user\’s Inbox (no need to use @user)
  • Broadcast from mobile using #<phonebook group> instead of BC <phonebook group>
    • To all #IT group members, please come to meeting room
    • Hi #GOLD #SILVER members, you can get more bonus by purchasing more!

Read full changelog here.

Grab it from SourceForge: download



playSMS version has been released (SECURITY FIX)

This version contains only a fix to a security bug in inc/app/webservices.php. Users installing playSMS 0.9.7 or are encouraged to upgrade their installation as soon as possible. playSMS version prior to 0.9.7 are not affected.

A quick workaround to fix the bug is by removing inc/app/webservices.php immediately. See this for detail.

You may get playSMS from our download page.