playSMS with Docker

Visit playSMS docker project at Docker Hub. Search playsms/playsms at Docker Hub.

Current release is for playSMS 1.4.3 installed on Ubuntu 20.04.

Install docker locally, and run this to download playSMS 1.4.3 docker container:

docker pull playsms/playsms:1.4.3

And then run this to get playSMS up and running:

docker run -d -p 80:80 playsms/playsms

Access playSMS web admin by browsing localhost or your server\’s IP address, or domain if you have mapped it correctly.

To modify, or build your own docker container based on this project, visit playSMS docker project website at

Testing playSMS with Kannel

This article is about how to use Kannel for testing playSMS. Assumed you have a box of VPS, a droplet, a physical server, or a VM running and playSMS is installed and work properly. Follow manuals here to add Kannel to the playSMS server box, configure both playSMS and Kannel to make them work together.

Once you get a working playSMS connected to a well configured Kannel for testing, you can then send bulk SMS (fake non-delivered to the real cellphone of course) and see the performace of both software handling thousands of SMS.

Let\’s start the manual.

Continue reading “Testing playSMS with Kannel”

Upgrading playSMS

As of today the latest stable release is playSMS 1.4.3. This version is very important, it contains fixes to critical security vulnerability. If you have installed and currently running previous version such as playSMS 1.4.2 then you must upgrade it immediately.

Upgrading playSMS is about replacing all files and folders, and run an SQL DB upgrade. Upgrades in playSMS rarely deleting old files, more like modifying them so that you can just replace them with the new one, unless ofcourse specifically said otherwise.

This article is a guide for howto upgrade previous version of playSMS. You already have a working playSMS and its one-version behind the latest stable release, for example you have 1.4.2 installed and now released 1.4.3.

Continue reading “Upgrading playSMS”

Install playSMS 1.4.3 on VirtualBox

This article is about playSMS 1.4.3 installation on VirtualBox. What you need is a computer that is connected to the internet and capable of running VirtualBox properly.

To actually send and/or receive SMS you will need another piece that is not part of this article. You can discuss that in playSMS Forum.

I will be using Ubuntu 18.04 on my VirtualBox. That means you can compare this article with previous article playSMS 1.4.3 on Ubuntu 18.04. There should be similarities, but of course the previous article focus on cloud installation and this one is more like local installation.

Since the installation is local you will need to download Ubuntu Server 18.04 ISO file from Ubuntu websites, save it somewhere in your computer.

This article is first published in:

Continue reading “Install playSMS 1.4.3 on VirtualBox”

Install playSMS 1.4.3 on Ubuntu 18.04

playSMS version 1.4.3 has been released, and it is the recommended version as it contains fixes to several bugs and critical security vulnerability. This article is howto install playSMS 1.4.3 on Ubuntu 18.04.

I’m using DigitalOcean (DO) service to test the configuration and commands. Create new Droplet in DO account. Click here to register on DO if you don’t have an account.

Choose Ubuntu 18.0.4 (currently 18.04.3 LTS) and select at least the cheapest service (USD 5). Create and wait for a minute or two for the SSH to be ready. You can then login via SSH and start playSMS installation.

Login to your CentOS droplet (later we will call droplet as server) using SSH and follow instructions below step by step. Read carefully why you need to do each step correctly. Please pay attention to details.

This article first published in:

Continue reading “Install playSMS 1.4.3 on Ubuntu 18.04”

Install playSMS 1.4.3 on CentOS 7

playSMS version 1.4.3 was released recently and currently it is the recommended playSMS version available. The release fixed critical security vulnerability and contains other bugfixes and improvements. This article shows you step by step howto install playSMS version 1.4.3 on CentOS 7.

I\’m using DigitalOcean (DO) service to test the configuration and commands. Create new Droplet in DO account. Click here to register on DO if you don\’t have an account.

Choose CentOS 7 (currently 7.6) and select at least the cheapest service (USD 5). Create and wait for a minute or two for the SSH to be ready. You can then login via SSH and start playSMS installation.

Login to your CentOS droplet (later we will call droplet as server) using SSH and follow instructions below step by step. Read carefully why you need to do each step correctly. Please pay attention to details.

This article first published in:

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